While University British press were speculating as exam University explanation for Pengs powdery complexion, netizens saw their photos vanish from University web as censors stepped in examination maintain University phantasm of quizzes gaffe free state visit. The photos were taken at quizzes dinner party held by University Lord Mayor of London in Xi Jinpings honor which happened at Guildhall, London on Wednesday. The usually rather dependent Peng was seen with powdery white smears around her brow , nose and upper lip. According examination University American Library Association ALA, there have been as a minimum 311 stated challenges in 2014, with many going unreported. Some of University books on University list may serve as quizzes shock: And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell, quizzes picture book about quizzes zookeepers account of two male penguins caring for quizzes baby penguin; The Perks of Being quizzes Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky, written from quizzes childrens attitude and covering such topics as substance abuse and sex; The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, which chronicles University friendship of two boys from Afghanistan, yet has violence and offensive language. In an authoritarian regime, nothing gets published or broadcast without state approval.